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Spital in the Street
Spital in the Street, Almshouses
Spital in the Street, Almshouses
Spital in the Street, Almshouses

These almshouses of 1620 were remodelled in the nineteenth century.

Pearl Wheatley, 2011

Spital In The Street, almshouses
Spital in the Street, Coaching Inn
Spital in the Street, Coaching Inn
Spital in the Street, Coaching Inn

A large coaching inn (SK 967900) was built of stone in Spital on the Street a few hundred yards north of Caenby Corner on Ermine Street (present A15) in the 18th century.

It provided accommodation for travellers and stabling for horses using this main north-south turnpike from Lincoln to the Humber.

In later years it became the simple (though rather large) farmhouse for the Home Farm.

bill head, 1837

Spital In The Street, Coaching Inn, turnpike,
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn

Situated immediately opposite Saint Edmund's Chapel on the other side of the A15.

DB 30 June 2018

Spital In The Street, Ostrich, Spital Inn
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn, Blue&nbspPlaque
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn, Blue Plaque
Spital in the Street, Ostrich or Spital Inn, Blue Plaque

Plaque unveiled October 2016 as reported in Market Rasen Mail :-

"The important former coaching inn at Spital in the Street now has a blue plaque, recording how political writer William Cobbett stayed there in April 1830 and wrote part of his celebrated Rural Rides"


DB 30 June 2018

Spital In The Street, Ostrich, Spital Inn, blue plaque, William Cobbett, Rural Rides
Spital in the Street, St Edmund
Spital in the Street, St Edmund
Spital in the Street, St Edmund
Spital In The Street, St Edmund chapel
Spital in the Street, St Edmund
Spital in the Street, St Edmund
Spital in the Street, St Edmund

St Edmund's was built c1660 on the site of a medieval chapel and hostel for the poor.

The simple rectangular building is of limestone, and has a slate roof with a bell turret on the east gable.

It is owned by the Spital Chantry Trust and used for occasional services.

May 2015

Spital In The Street, St Edmund chapel, Spital Chantry Trust
Spital in the Street, St Edmund, memorial
Spital in the Street, St Edmund, memorial
Spital in the Street, St Edmund, memorial

Memorial brass (Thomas Aston d 1401).

Thomas de Aston was a Lincoln Cannon who founded a chapel and almshouse (hospital) here in 1397.

May 2015

Spital In The Street, St Edmund church, Thomas De Aston, almshouse